[JUTLAND AND AFTER 4] [Allocated]

Autre(s) titre(s): [JUTLAND AND AFTER 4] [Allocated]
Année: 1917
Durée: 17 mins
Description: I. Destroyers in anchorage. Medium shot of HMS Parker (G.75). Pan to neighbouring line of moored destroyers and depot ship (Aquarius ?). II. Sixth Battle Squadron passes beneath Forth Bridge. III. Medium shot of Queen Elizabeth Class battleship in line ahead as it fires to starboard. Medium shots of Iron Duke Class battleships. Medium close-up, port forebody of an anchored Talisman Class destroyer as cameraship passes, and track onto medium shot off port beam of HMS Whirlwind (H.41), with an Admiralty M Class steaming left to right in the background, and a moored Hawthorn M Class destroyer. Medium shot off the port quarter of a line of destroyers at their moorings, secured bows-on to the shore - one of the ships is a Marksman Class Leader. IV. Static medium shot port profile of HMS Canada. V. Three Admiralty M Class destroyers approach in line astern. VI. Medium long shot off starboard quarter of a Lion Class battle cruiser underway at sea. VII. Long shot of line of surrendering German battleships - Koenig Class vessel in the van. Medium long shot off the port bow of Kaiser Class battleship (Koenig Albert ?). VIII. High-angle medium shot as Iron Duke Class battleship passes beneath Forth Bridge (cf IWM 554/03). IX. Miscellaneous shots: Royal Sovereign Class battleships at sea with escorting V/W Class destroyer; medium shot off the starboard bow of an Orion Class battleship; extreme long shot of two Iron Dukes - V/W Class destroyer in the foreground; medium shot off starboard bow of HMS Pylades (G.62) as she passes at speed followed by a second destroyer; medium shot of an Admiralty M Class destroyer as it passes in front of a Lion Class battle cruiser; Admiralty M Class and Marksman Class Leader with Orion Class battleship in the background - camera tracks left to Queen Elizabeth Class battleship, with Special I Class and Admiralty M Class destroyers in background; medium shot of Royal Sovereign Class battleship as cameraship approaches on the port quarter; medium shot of M Class destroyers zigzagging in line astern; Royal Sovereign Class battleships steam in line astern for a shoot - they fire to port; HMS Canada underway; long shot of Orion Class battleships, with escorting V/W Class destroyer in mid-ground; three Iron Dukes steam to leeward for a shoot - third ship fires to port, the second to starboard; Queen Elizabeth Class battleship at sea with escorting V/W Class destroyer. Long shot of V/W and Admiralty S Class destroyers, and medium shot port profile of Marksman Class Leader, with Admiralty M Class in the background; SMS Koenigsberg underway and at Rosyth; Royal Sovereign Class battleships of First Battle Squadron at firing practice; medium shot profile as two King George V Class battleships cross the screen right to left; Orion Class ships of Second Battle Squadron steam in line led by Queen Elizabeth - escorting destroyers are Admiralty M, Marksman Class Leader, Admiralty S, and Special I Class; extreme long shot of Royal Sovereign Class battleships in line astern.
Miscellaneous British naval material, 1916-1918.
Mots-clés: EFG1914 / World War I / Royal Navy, Battle Sqdn 6 / Royal Navy, Battle Sqdn 2 / Royal Navy, Battle Sqdn 1 / Royal Navy, Parker / Royal Navy, Whirlwind / Royal Navy, Pylades / Royal Navy, CANADA (HMS), battleship / Royal Navy, Queen Elizabeth / German Imperial Navy, Koenigsberg / ships, British naval - battleship: Queen Elizabeth / ships, British naval - battleship: Canada / ships, British naval - battleship: Iron Duke Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Lion Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Royal Sovereign Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Orion Class / ships, British naval - battleship: King George V Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Parker (G.75) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Whirlwind (H.41) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Pylades (G.62) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Talisman Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Hawthorn M Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Marksman Class Leader / ships, British naval - destroyer: Admiralty M Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Special I Class & [-] / ships, British naval - destroyer: Admiralty S Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: V/W Class / ships, German naval - battleship: Koenig Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - battleship: Kaiser Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - cruiser: Koenigsberg / training, British naval - combat: anti-submarine / training, British naval - weapons: gunnery / 12/3(261.2) / 12/3(261.2).53 / First World War, Armistice & German Navy, Internment of & 21/11/1918 / GB, Scotland & Firth of Forth / GB, Scotland & Rosyth, Fife
Fournisseur: Imperial War Museums
Droits: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Société de production: Engholm, F W
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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